I Will Not Hate Poem by Randy McClave

I Will Not Hate

I will not hate all roses
Because I was scratched by one thorn,
I will not give up the scent which no one opposes
Because one bad rose had been born.

I will not hate all snakes
From what one had done in the past,
Life, only the ignorant steals and takes
Hate and revenge and judging should not forever last.

I will not hate all bees
Because by one I was attacked and stung,
Let them all fly freely in the breeze
Let them bring life, when summer has sprung.

I will not hate every woman
Because one had used me and done me wrong,
Hurt me the way a love shouldn't
But, sometimes pain makes you wise and strong.

What is invisible unto the eye
Sometimes is known only true by the heart,
Sometimes we want to believe in a lie
And many times, we are just stupid and not yet smart.

I will not hate a people or a culture
Because others wish death or pain to be their fate,
I will not pick at them like a starving vulture
I just will not hate.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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