Help Poem by Sean Irvine


Let me out…
What am I?
I always dreamed of being beautiful.
Like they say “beauty is on the inside”
So maybe I am beautiful

An ugly figure approaches the light.

I keep fighting but always fail.
I’m so ugly, looks can be deceiving.
But the way she was the thoughts she had.
I never made it.
I couldn’t see her.
She was left alone in the dark without me.
She was so pretty.
Her long blond hair
But she was scared.
She didn’t want to be seen.
But me I loved the light.
But I always failed.
I am ugly.
The light saw through me.
It saw through my inner sickness.
I was transparent.
I wont give up
I thought to myself.
I can’t give up.
And then I remembered.


This life is just like this poem.
We all fight to let our beauty be seen.
We never look.
Take a second and look at her.
In the darkness she is more beautiful than me.
But she doesn’t need the light.
The light sees through her.
It shows her uncertainties
It shows her fears.
I quickly step out of the light

I feel better now.
I’m still ugly
But in the light you can see it.
She took the light
She is still beautiful.
The light sees through her
But it shows that she is beautiful
Inside and outside

I hate the light
I’m so ugly

Some people weren’t meant to be seen
Like me, I fear the light.
I stay hidden in the darkness
If you only knew
Don’t try to see me.
I’m still ugly….

Sean Irvine

Sean Irvine

Sanford, Florida
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