Hell Poem by Nancy Chanthakoun


I look at your face
You smile that fake smile
I scowl and look away
You turn and start rumors

That’s how it all starts
I make a wrong move
Only because you are
Something that you’re not

It gets worse as the years progress
You start ignoring me and I you
You start saying stuff behind my back and I you
Maybe if we just never talk about each other and
Pretend that the other doesn’t exist
It will all be the perfect world I hoped for

But life doesn’t allow you to get whatever you want
So we always cross paths
Dirty looks are given
Whispered rumors spread

This life called high school
Is more likely called hell
Because you get burned wherever you go
The devil won’t allow you to ever let go
He will hold you down and break you
Making your hopes become torture

So one day when we all grow up
We can escape this high school called hell
And descend to our own personal chaos
At this beautiful place called home

Stephanie J. Demartino 07 August 2008

High School doesn't last forever.. You will get through it.. College is a whole different world.. It is eye opening.. Don't dwell on high school. On your 10th reunion.. it will all be silly by then. In fact the in crowd now won't be so in in 10 years.. They'll just be normal every day people in the Adult world. Keep your chin up. It will change..The next chapter of your life will be more pleasant..

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