Heart Gallery Poem by Denis Martindale

Heart Gallery

I had a dream the other night,
At first, a door appeared,
Yet, suddenly, to my delight,
It opened when I neared...
So in I walked and looked around,
Inside the gallery,
With all my poems to be found,
Gold-framed for all to see...

More than a thousand frames I saw,
Extravant, no doubt,
A fact that made me feel unsure,
What was this dream about?
With many people reading there,
Some laughing now and then,
Some weeping, too, with some in prayer,
Though these were mostly men...

I asked some people what they thought,
Concerning what I wrote
And one-by-one got each report,
So that I could take note...
It seemed that some were very pleased,
While others merely sighed,
While those that wept felt guilt had ceased,
Through Christ once crucified...

And those that laughed at my ideas,
Still smiled quite joyfully
And thus dispelled my growing fears
About my poetry...
Some wanted copies for their friends
Or wrote quotations down
And since the sharing never ends,
I felt no cause to frown...

When everyone had left and gone,
Lord Jesus stood alone,
He told me straight, to carry on,
Write new things yet unknown...
And when I woke, I wrote some more,
Because He told me to,
The Gospel Truth I can't ignore,
Because it's meant for you...

Denis Martindale, copyright, January 2014.

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