Get Real! Zionist Kharzarian, Bogus Semitic, Biblical Jews Don't Do Dna Tests. Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

Get Real! Zionist Kharzarian, Bogus Semitic, Biblical Jews Don't Do Dna Tests.

By Stanley Collymore

I'm a Semite because I say I am! No genetic proof or any DNA
testing analysis have I, however, to categorically substantiate
or in any way corroborate this assertive claim which I'm
making and quite rightly and proper, in my view, that
unsubstantiated assertion I keep on sustaining, or
will I ever yield to any; because I'm a Zionist,
European and a Semitic Jew you see and as
a representative of God's chosen people there's definitely
no need therefore or any requirement for me, in such
circumstances, to furnish any such corroboration.
Furthermore, I'm likewise fully equipped from
birth and aided through cultural instruction,
because of who I am and the privileged
position that's fittingly conferred on
me with all the crucial obligations
relevant to my being undeniably
a genuine European, Semitic
and Zionist Jew to forever
and unfeelingly act as I
personally elect to do.

And among the overabundance of marvellous, critical and
distinguishing qualities which I and my kind fortunately
possess are the dexterous virtuosities of malevolent
deception and heartless warmongering, although
we're most rigorous in our sedulous cunnings
and conscientious arrangements as regards
the latter occurrences to often guarantee
that inside our ingenious gambits and collaboratively
calculated deceptions - unlimited and purposeful
dishonesty on our part to you and me - it's the
demonstrably mindless, expressively poorly
instructed, contemptable and intellectually
challenged and the regularly entrapped,
European holocaust guilt-ridden and
the injudicious morons of the white
western countries and their easily
bought, sold, graspingly greedy
and disreputable leaders who
stage-manage them that we
Zionists procure to do our
intended fighting for us.

Except, and quite naturally of course, when it applies
to the Palestinians. In which case, in our typically
accepted, Nazi Zionist and European Semitic,
genocidal, ethnic cleansing and hardnosed
sniper-killing, terroristic-eagerness our
decidedly murderous inclinations are
straightforwardly concentrated on
the Palestinians and specifically
their young and predominantly underage children. An
expected pass, consistently devoid of disapproval,
condemnation or any opprobrium meted out to
us by our concurring western bloc countries
leaders chiefly in Rogue State USA - my
apologetic rectification, the potent USA,
Australia, Canada, duplicitous Russia
from where several of our Yidland
Zionist emigres commonly come
from, in addition to delusional,
correspondingly colonialist,
exceptionally obsequious
and pretentious Britain.

And isn't it especially heart-warming and personally
rewarding to know that all of this is substantially
cultivated, hugely successfully, competently
and enormously commercially carried out
against the inestimable and absolutely
recompensing environment of our
fashionable European holocaust scam and by people
who in essence - and upfront DNA analysis will
swiftly prove this - aren't in the least Semitic
or by any means genealogically Jewish like
we inventively, blatantly and extremely
lyingly declare that we are, but are in
all genuineness nowt more or less
than bogus, Zionist Kharzarian
Ashkenazi religious phonies
and cultural appropriators
in every imaginable way.

© Stanley V. Collymore
11 May 2018.

Author's Remarks:
Tell a lie regularly, barefacedly and loudly enough, it's boastfully and assertively claimed by those who indulge in such sickening and nefarious practices, and ultimately it will unquestionably be fully accepted and definitely regarded as the truth not only by the ill-formed and puerile dimwits to whom it's calculatedly dispensed but equally so the comprehensively malevolent, illogically psychopathic and the pathologically lying prats who conceived and promulgated the lie in the first place. A rather pernicious art form which is deeply engrained among the Kharzarian Ashkenazi, Yiddish European, irredeemably Zionist and completely bogus Semitic communities across mainland Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Rogue State USA, Yidland, of course, and their other western bloc vassal state entities.

And when additionally, as is distinctly obvious in their case, these Zionist and bogus Semites have complete control of global propagandistic instruments like the Hollywood film industry which they assiduously employ for their thoroughly self-centred and patently egotistical advantage, steadfastly conjoined with their accumulative control too over the vast majority of the distinctly white, western bloc countries pathetically so-called mainstream media that wholeheartedly sanctions and staunchly reinforces their sick, premeditated and lying propaganda and, additionally, on top of all of that there are the substantially lavish sums of money - unsurprisingly so as after all money is their God - that are substantially used to remorselessly push and consolidate their heinous subterfuges, as well as to gleefully and manipulatively influence and dominate a piss-poorly informed, entirely dumbed-down educationally and predictably an intellectually challenged and largely white western public, it's not rocket science to logically determine why these Kharzarian Ashkenazi, primarily Eastern European and Russian bogus Semitic Yids, despite their tiny demographic presence in the countries that they infest, nevertheless do disproportionately exert the influence that they do.

And how beneficial it undoubtedly would be, in the not too distant future, if a united Global South and completely disinclined to the discernible squeamishness that the Third Reich displayed during World War II that his time around there was a genuinely concerted eradication programme which - Auschwitz, Dachau and Bergen-Belsen style - efficiently disposed of each and every single one of these comprehensively barbaric, ethnic-cleansing, genocidal-fixated against the Palestinian people, state apartheid, terroristic, mass murdering and lowlife scum.

This is the 21st Century and unquestionably we are living in an era of highly sophisticated scientific explorations, technological developments and multiple in-depth analytical solutions to man's diverse interests and problems. All of which can and do definitively compartmentalize in graphically explicit form and without as was commonplace in the past the need for guesswork, the minutest investigative details of anything that's seriously up for particularized scrutiny, irrespective of whether that topical subject matter - be it animate, inanimate, distinctly new or dinosaurian dated -is up for review.

And in this manifestly impartial and rather state-of-the art scrutinizing and analytical process one can accordingly quite effortlessly DNA construe and comprehensively discern whatever it is they want to informatively know about except, of course, when that specific knowledge quest relates to Kharzarian Ashkenazi, Zionist and distinctly fraudulent "Semitic Jews" that one is dealing with. In which case all such impartial scientific accreditations and objective DNA analyses relating to these same Kharzarian Ashkenazi and fraudulently claimed Zionist "Semites" and in turn backed up by their myriad, readily bought and paid for, overwhelmingly western bloc countries, and their political stooges immediately become null and void.

And it's certainly not rocket science to cleverly work out why this is so. For why would practised and perennial, financial fraudsters and fraudulent Semites in the bargain who have culturally appropriated another people's culture - and most particularly that of the Palestinians who are the real Semites want to compliantly and knowingly embarrassingly too quite voluntarily subject themselves to the types of methodical scientific and scrutinizing DNA investigations that in an instant would clearly show them up for the repellent and fraudulent liars that they manifestly are?

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