Forever Together Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Forever Together

Distance is far, obstacles soar,
But you and I, always near;
Eyes don't see, ears don't hear,
But joy and grief we willingly share.

We nestle in a nest of vibrations
Beyond normal comprehensions;
Only you and I closely knit together
Feel roused to bliss and blessed there.

Whether others trust that or not,
I constantly get vibrations from you;
Your pains and grief, joy and doubt
Rouse senses to act to comfort you.

It's dumb act on intuition's fold,
No feedback I'm destined to hold;
Yet a joy, comfort that something I did,
Sail me through life's painful world.

I know you're not better than I do,
I know, I'm mirror of all you undergo;
I wax and wane without your touch
With rise or fall of your life's pitch.

We're so close, yet far far away,
Only mutual trust holds our sway;
Held fast in soul, yet far over space,
We wait till time brings us face to face.

How long to wait, we do never know,
Yet know, time can't cheat us forever;
Patiently we wait for the natural law
That ultimately brings us truly together.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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