Father Unseen........... Remembered! Poem by Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Father Unseen........... Remembered!

I, the vagabond you brought
and left here, ere disappearing
to be on a pathway, so erratic
full of ups, downs, bends et cetera
and owned, by deed and creed

Puddles, crevices, muddles and riddles
On it, I managed to surmount all such perils
Nonetheless, not even once
have I heard your voice, at least in dreams,
or felt your warmth, at the worst moment of mine

Nor were you there, keeping company to me
Day or night, pushing, pulling or carrying
It’s a fact, not once even you beat me
Nor could you spank, scold or scam me
For any wrong I committed, as your son

They took you away from me, so cruelly
Sans you, I conquered challenges until now
No too bad blemishes or bruises on, and
triad, I bestowed to the world, I’m proud of
are big enough credits, to your name as well

May be your spirit, operative all along.
cared me, from within bereaved Mother, valor
Reminiscing a beloved Father, on this day
I visualize you, both by face and nature
For, I know, all that in my life, is worth its while

Father Unseen........... Remembered!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: fathers day
Valsa George 14 July 2015

I guess you lost your dear father before you could remember him! Fatherless you grew up without being guided by his strong hands. Still you could surmount the hurdles of life and learned to stand on your own feet at a young age. In this poem I can sense the longing of a son for his father whom he has never really seen. Enjoyed this great tribute to your father!

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Yes Valsa, I grew up without experiencing any trace of paternal live in life. Nevertheless, I was lucky enough to have a Mother who played a dual role in bringing up 4 boys all by herself. Yet, even at this late age I feel the vacuum. Thank you for your hearty comment.

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Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Jayatissa K. Liyanage

Walasmulla, Sri Lanka
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