Est L'A Importe Quel Manle`re` `a Expression `amour Poem by Louise Bizzari

Est L'A Importe Quel Manle`re` `a Expression `amour

Rating: 4.1

Is there anyway I could ever express
What you mean to me
And how much I love you
Je` Faire Ne` Pas Penser Possible`
I don't think that is possible

I would have to describe a brillant sunset
On a warm musky summer eve
I would have to tell you of the smell of green
After a beautiful colored rainbow
Dans Un` Brumeux Mouill`e Pluie
In a misty wet rain
Or the happiness seeing your smile
Votre` Oeil` L`e Ger En` Haut et` Presse Mon Coeur`
As your eyes light up and pierce my heart

Could I leave a love so pure so radiant
Ce` mon pauvre` Coeur est` Un` Prison
That my poor heart remains a prison
e` Gitime Pour Tu`
Just for you
Non Je` Pouvoir Ne` Pas`
No I couldn't

Is that unrequited
Peut `e Tre

Tu` Donc a` Comme` Tre`s Beau
You are beautiful
You are everything I would lke to be

For the human heart is a mirror of things
That are far away and deep within
A wave that rushes the shore of humanity
Carrying in its bosom
The beauty which is you
E`t Votre` Pur De`Esprit
And the purity of spirit
That you are

Who gave you those eyes
That flash their image
Out of everywhere
Into my heart
To penetrate my soul
Ex P`e Dier De` Ciel Au` Dessus De`
Sent from the heavens
As I passed by

When did I touch that little tear
As it was waiting for you
Pouvoir Dieu penser De` Tu`
Did god think of you
And bring me here

To wish a soul so divine
That angels on cherubs wings
Could form your heart to mine
And unite my humble moments
De` Souffrir Dans `A Plaisir
Of suffering into joy
Gladdening its hour
Into its eternal douaire`
De` e` Ternit e`
Of immortality

Theodora Onken 04 October 2005

Oh Louise, This is beautiful. It has been a while since you last posted a poem...I do understand as i know the pain(physical) that you have suffered and continue to suffer...just a brave and beautiful soul are you! Even though I do not know you, when I found out what you were suffering from i started praying for you! God Bless You! Theodora Onken Love your french!

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Mary Nagy 04 October 2005

Very lovely poem Louise. sincerely, Mary

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