Documenting The Dark... Poem by Denis Martindale

Documenting The Dark...

Man sends up probes to outer space to test the depths and heights,
From nations of the Human Race, for even more insights.
While curiosity persists, with worlds spread all about,
To verify that life exists and prove beyond all doubt.
The dark side of the moon intrigues, so near and yet so far,
So this, at first, is what Man seeks before the nearest star.
And to this challenge must respond, as if this were his right,
Exploring then the dark beyond, as if with all his might.
Instead of comets round and round with not much else to do,
If found, dark matter could astound as wonders speeding through.
Amid the gaps and in-betweens, the dark holds sole domain,
Where light so seldom intervenes, a new foothold to gain.
Yet there are claims that life lives there, in microscopic ways,
Quite alien and unaware of passing nights and days.
Despite the centuries that fade and stars that lose their shine,
The dark seems somewhat Heaven-made, with purposes divine.

Denis Martindale. March 2022.

Documenting The Dark...
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: universe,space,astronomy
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