Devout Love Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Devout Love

Rating: 4.5

As long as we keep each other alive
In place in space in furrows in soul,
No wind or shock wears us from other;
As long as we lend concern and tend,
We feed each other with devout love.

No time can rob, nor distance steal
The bond of love built of devotion,
No ego bubbles, or doubts build up
In the ocean of love ingesting two,
That nourishes both in give and take.

Is love a cage, or freedom of self?
Yielding to other is essence of love;
Who knows the truth better than you?
Flying in free sky as a bird does,
You yielded to me in blood and spirit.

Love is binding soul to a chosen soul,
Love is purging liberty on own freewill,
Love is yielding self to the other's will,
Love is finding self in the other's need -
What devotedly you followed in loving me.

Ages now we met, and dissolved in love,
Nations perished, cultures rose since then,
But the well of love you draw for me from,
And drench me in is inexhaustible ever,
And in gratitude, I worship you from soul.

Selflessness is spark that lights your soul,
That brings love dimensions unfathomed;
The glow you bear does catch me within,
And expand horizons my vision can catch,
And I transcend myself by the devout love.

Monday, May 27, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
Somanathan Iyer 27 May 2013

Nice way of expressing love Mr. Praveen. inspiring.

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