Deepwater Horizion Poem by Jay Aguiniga

Deepwater Horizion

In the Gulf, the sun rises over the everglades,
And sets over the Sierra Madre Oriental.
On the waves rocks the derrick,
A iron horizon made monumental.

The pride of any nation,
Men drill in the deep water…
It has been handed down,
From father to son, and mother to daughter…

Northern Gannets circle,
The gale winds kick up the mist.
Saltine caps crash on her side,
The pipe disappears to the abyss.

Down a mile and half, it lays hidden,
danger unknown lurks deep down under…
Down below a bubble breaks a seal,
The gas expands, the devil bound to explode her…

The men hear the swoosh,
A sound that comes straight from hell
Men, don’t you give up, for God sake,
We got to shut her down, the driller yells…

The news breaks of the disaster,
A man dreams, soon to be washed ashore
On April 20, the Horizon…
Sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor…

A crew of hundred and twenty six,
Eleven souls where never found…
On this cold dreadful spring our tears fell
ribbons wave and now blow in the Gulf sound…

It’s thirst of black gold
That we all hunger for…
Lets not turn our heads in this hour
Remember the fallen, with 11 rings
Their children and what they died for.

Jay Aguiniga

Jay Aguiniga

Scottsbluff Nebraska
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