Chinese New Year's Eve In Hangzhou Poem by Raymond Farrell

Chinese New Year's Eve In Hangzhou

Rating: 4.5

As I sit
Under the locust tree
I recall that yesterday
My evening walk
Took me past shuttered stores
On desolate streets
Which the day before teemed with people
Were nearly empty
Here and there, a straggler only
And in the distance
The constant din of fireworks
It's their New Year, not mine
Within, I feel
A strange mixture of loneliness and melancholy
Well up
No longer held at bay
By the hustle and bustle
Of the distracting crowds
Now off celebrating their New Year.

Friday, April 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: new year,commentary
Yiyan Han 05 January 2018

Well because you are an outsider...A strange mixture of loneliness and melancholy...wonder why... ;)

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Raymond Farrell 05 January 2018

I made it clear why It's their New Year not mine which makes the emotions understandable under the circumstances.

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Eugene Levich 13 April 2015

A lovely poem with an interesting Chinese touch to it- a scene introduced and an emotion that it evoked.

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Raymond Farrell 13 April 2015

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Mj Lemon 04 April 2015

To be so completely surrounded by something, and yet not having that sense of belonging. This is a fantastic poem...A 10

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Raymond Farrell 05 April 2015

Thank you for your comment. I am glad you grasped what I was driving at.

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