But That Was Until I Met You Poem by Mark Heathcote

But That Was Until I Met You

Oh, I wished my life was half as long
As I've lived and drown in a pint of beer.
But that was until I met you, darling, dear
That stirred me right from wrong.

And taught me how to be a man again,
Taught me how to stand tall and not drown.
Taught me how to be strong
Oh, and taught me how abstinence can be bright
How sobriety can be a shining light.

Oh, wandering lost as a black lamb from the fold
Not knowing who I am, sleeping on the ground
Sometimes, never to be found
Making all my problems 10-times manifold

That's how I lived until I met you in a dream.
And self-denial lifted me above the foam
Sphere heading a dying cyclone
Darling, that's how I lived, smelling like gasoline.

Darling, you were an angel that held the world in rapture
And that's when I opened up like a trembling flower
in the sun, I began to melt and forget how to glower
Like life wasn't a curse but a joy to recapture.

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