Blinder Than He Poem by Randy McClave

Blinder Than He

I told her that this was no ruse
But, she indeed was my muse,
With all that I did create
She was the one to first narrate.
So, of course again she did laugh
So, this time I walked along a different path,
My road this time led me to Japan
Maybe there they could help explain this man.
In a temple I found me a wiseman while I was there
He said that pride and beauty was my own snare,
I then told him all about her
And also what I said, and what did occur.
Though from birth the wiseman was blind
But, he could easily see inside the mind,
Then he gave me a understanding smile
Then him and I together walked a very long mile.
We walked, and walked, and walked
We discovered and he philosophized as we talked,
Then we ended up where I had started
Where from my muse I had originally parted.
The wiseman and my muse then began to converse
He talked to her of life, and she talked of the universe,
She then talked to him about the rose
He told her of the petals and how they all compose.
Life she said was just a busy ocean port
Life he said was always to short,
The wiseman then said for miles and miles she could see
But, she undoubtedly was more blinder than he.

Randy L. McClave

Friday, December 14, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,muse
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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