Bill Poem by Nassy Fesharaki



In Mather-Air-Force-Base
-we were all students
- (learning to navigate.)

We were in USA
- (The land of Freedom?)
-but warned and sort of barred!

Higher ranks advised us:
- "No talk of politics
-on choosing president
-his past and or reasons…"

Then, I was just more than
-Iran born and ally
-I was an Americanized
-well into "top of pops…"

Closest to me was
-the owner of GM
-and born in Minnesota.

He was Bill and simple
-though smart and open.

Nancy or Lucy was
-his lovely fiancé;
-was to come as a guest.

I talk of "Seventies"
-no ATM machines
-no card of plastic…

Cash or check…
-it was on Friday.

"I need to…"
-Bill said to our teacher
- (of course, with a firm "Sir, ")
-damn teacher, at table
-acted as did not hear,

"Why to ask such a shit?
-I told Bill and ask him:
- "What is your exact need? "

Ignoring the teacher
- (who was an officer)
-I left my seat and desk
-walked toward Bill and then
-reached deep in my pocket
-slammed bills on his desk.

He sought two hundred
-I gave him in excess.

Jaws fell with open eyes
-speechless, they saw bills…

Bill took and kept silent
-I left him and parted
-the class was canceled.

Limited in vision, all whispered
-above the teacher's voice were echoes.

Why have I changed so much?
Where is that power, gut?

Why no more I rebel?
- (Fearless, not afraid!)

I do not like me now
-feel I am lamb, chicken
-worth being cut and served.

Today I thought of Bill
-when was out for shopping
-the payment was with bills.

Laughed at us, we, mankind
-and cheating, (we are taught!)

"Pay in cash, avoid tax."

Monday, April 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: solitude
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