Belief Poem by Hikaru Etanaru


Hope is a four letter word
but like belief it is absurd
these were the last words of an old man
he spent up everything even his lifespan
this is his story his life gospel
and here I lay his words as his apostle
but for each man is his own clergyman
each journey is a part of God's master plan
the old man was once just a boy
the old man once played with toys
he wasn't rich, he wasn't poor
neither was he in delusions of grandeur
One day a travelling priest came
with his sparkling, overflowing fame
he told the boy of belief and God
he told him to fear their Lord
but the child, naive and small
didn't abide his holiness's call
he went too far to meet his god
the society deemed this quality flawed
it was decided that in a city of a million
losing a child that is of a civilian
mattered not, As I felt naught but pity
he told me about his great holy city
the people needed a demon he said
to sleep calmly with god in their head
but to me it mattered none
the deed as they said, was already done
I rotted in jail, waiting for God
I rotted in jail, as time clawed
I waited and waited, waited and waited
Apparently me meeting God, just wasn't fated
That day belief turned to hope
I ran away from the city of pope
I ran and ran, ran and ran
until I became a withered corpse man
remember my words for the contain a lesson
and to those who don't, God bless'em
there's a fine line between belief and hope
there's a fine line between a cliff and slope
-Hikaru Toma

Friday, June 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: belief,god
Hikaru Etanaru

Hikaru Etanaru

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