Behold The Lamb... Behold The Man... Poem by Denis Martindale

Behold The Lamb... Behold The Man...

Behold the lamb... Behold the man... Behold from first to last...
Behold God's great and gracious plan... through centuries now past...
And ponder on the magnitude... the vastness of it all...
Behold God's Son with gratitude... His precious miracle...
Born of a virgin who agreed because of flawless faith...
The righteous angel's words to heed... that Christ must come to save...
Such that she held the Saviour's soul born for humanity...
The King of Love must play the role... one day at Calvary...

Such that the Saviour lived each day for thirty years and more...
And taught disciples how to pray for blessings to outpour...
And miracles of such acclaim that doubters stared amazed,
While those who loved the Saviour's Name His footsteps daily traced...
Disciples came, disciples went... to study what Christ taught...
Yet those God led with Jesus stayed... till Judas had Christ caught...
John stood with Mary at Christ's cross... till Mary's Son was dead...
Yet Jesus died for all because our sins laid on His head...

How few could say they saw Christ die... then see the risen Lord?
John's Gospel shared God's reason why... so Man could be restored...
Eternal life, God's gift of faith, to those that would believe
The Lamb of God who came to save... each heart that would receive...
For without hearts not one could love the King of Love I know...
Who on His cross would stay above and then refuse to go...
But losing blood from head to toe... the price of sacrifice...
Behold the Saviour that I know... our friend in Paradise...

Denis Martindale Christmas Eve, December 2019.

Behold The Lamb... Behold The Man...
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,easter,forgiveness,god,jesus,paradise,salvation
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