Ask Mr. Smith & Wesson Poem by Randy McClave

Ask Mr. Smith & Wesson

They can take my gun from my cold dead fingers
That belief of his in my mind still lingers,
That is what he had said and how he believed
Living life was a danger, is how he always perceived.
Every stranger that he met he always saw as an assassin
So, around his waist a gun he always did fasten,
He carried his gun or two always loaded with him
Even to the toilet, and when he went to the gym.
He raised his children that they should live by the gun
The police protects the law, and evil is always under the sun,
And to never put their safety in the police or God
And Jesus he said, "doesn't ever believe in killing even with a rod".
He believed who lives by the sword would also die by it
As he would scream out his right of the 2nd Amendment,
Unless of course, he drew his gun first
That is how he was raised, and also how he was nursed.
He believed only with a gun could the brave go outside
So, he always kept a gun loaded at his side,
He screamed to always carry a gun everywhere with you
And always also carry an extra clip, or two.
Under his pillow he always kept a gun resting there
I couldn't imagine his dreams, which would be my nightmare,
A loaded gun was always ready within his reach
Your own protection and salvation only yourself can you teach.
For his safety and protection he didn't expect it from Jesus or the law
For protection he said that Jesus or the police you should never call,
To live he believed there is only one important lesson
Never ask for Jesus or the police, instead ask for Mr. Smith and Wesson.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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