Another Place Poem by louis rams

louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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louis rams
new york city
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Another Place

Rating: 5.0

another place, another time, another dream left behind
another mountain i must climb.
i'll move the earth to make you mine.

i'll take the stars from the sky
and place them before your very eyes.
i'll part the waters if i must
just so i can gain your trust.
all these things i will do for you
if to my heart you'll be true

how easily you captured my heart
took it-then tore it apart.

so i stand with heart in hand
just so that you'll understand
that my heart is given to you
it's a heart that will always be true.

you tore up my heart because you
was afraid to see.
how easy it was for you to capture me.

now that you know my love is true
and my heart belongs to only you
i want you to release those feelings that
you have locked up inside
and take the vow to be by my side.
from now until the day we die.

Vaibhav Pandey 14 January 2009

very passionate write. I liked it.

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Sarah Sisson 14 January 2009

How sad yet sweet...thank you for this one.

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i love the start, and I adore the end. lovely

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The ending works very well with this poem you wrote this with grace and full of hope.. This poem flows so well too... Great poem KRISTA

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I loved this poem! Great Flow! I liked I think the third stanza best that generated a lot for me. Wonderful poem from start to finish. Truly magnifcent!

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Ben Gieske 26 July 2009

A glorious beginning and a wrenching end. The dilemma of falling in love and not having it returned. But love has to be freely given. I like a lot of your lines in this one. The beginning is well phrased and calls for immediate attention.

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you have locked up inside and take the vow to be by my side. from now until the day we die...... sincere proposal for invite.. poet has all clean ideas and goal.... keen desire too....woven with good oratory.....10

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Ashraful Musaddeq 08 May 2009

Lovely & touchy poem,10 added.

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Sandra Fowler 19 January 2009

Very touching. This would make a wonderful Valentine.10 for your romantic soul. Warm regards, Sandra

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Bell Martine 19 January 2009

we are made for another place.................

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louis rams

louis rams

new york city
follow poet
louis rams
new york city
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