Anatomy - (Addition 1/14/09) Poem by Emilee

Anatomy - (Addition 1/14/09)

I can tell my brain that I don't love you any more.
My heart, on the other hand,
Knows better than to believe me.
My brain may control everything,
But my heart knows everything.

My heart knows the truth,
While my brain knows right from wrong.
But rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?
Control versus understanding;
Who would win?

So far, my heart is ahead.
But my brain is simply trying to
Keep me from getting hurt.
My brain is simply the emotional airbag
In this crashing world of mine.

And yet; when the mind is put to work
The truth rears its often-ugly head
In this exceptional case; the truth is beautiful.
I don't need you; never did, never will again
Sometimes a crash will bring you back to reality.

Eddie Roa 11 January 2009

Hi! , I’m Eddie Roa and I just got in to this website. By chance I came across your name in the list of poets and read some of your works. I have posted some of my poems today and yesterday. My style ranges from light to dark poetry (modern enough but not postmodern) and some Japanese verse forms like haiku, senryu and tanka. I hope you will bother to check out my work. Thanks and happy writing.

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You're right the heart knows everything it also knows right from wrong.

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