Almighty Allah Poem by Afzal Shauq

Afzal Shauq

Afzal Shauq

Somewhere in the world of dreams
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Afzal Shauq
Somewhere in the world of dreams
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Almighty Allah

Rating: 4.7

being my true beloved
live so deep in me
and make such integral part of my soul

I praise your name
I share the pride
of being praised
Titla of Poem in Pashto: Azima Khudaya..! !
Poem In Pashto By: Afzal Shauq
Translated in English By: Nazish Zafar
Book: 'BRIDGING THE GAPS' /Page.155
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© Afzal Shauq

Angela Crabtree 22 December 2009

Most excellent form here. I love the emotion as well. I will check out your work as soon as time permits. Love, Anel

2 1 Reply
Iron Panda 23™ 26 February 2010

i felt at peace as i read this ^-^

2 1 Reply
Mishaal Javed Dawar 27 February 2010

dhere kha poem de.Ma dher khok sho. Mishaal Javed Dawar.

2 1 Reply
Beena J 31 May 2010

wow... i just luv it. man u r a gr8 writer

2 1 Reply
Rehana Nazli 13 August 2009

Once again simple and deeply beautiful...Allah is my best friend that's what my beleif is and you just described it in your words so amazingly. 13th August,2009 London Rehana Nazli

2 0 Reply Life Is My Poem....~ 19 February 2011

a divine one...a great truth yet so simple...! ! ! !

0 3 Reply
Prakash Mehra 12 October 2010

charasmatic lines! None but only absolute devotee can express such devotion!

1 2 Reply

A declaration of your strong love and belief. Much depth and emotion in the write; D

2 1 Reply
Rabia Fazal 23 July 2010

Sir Afzal have riches of divine feeliings and rich ideas.ALMIGHTY ALLAH is truly deserved to be praised and thanked.

2 1 Reply
Hans Vr 05 June 2010

Wow, Afzal, I get touched, reading such a giant truth in such a short and melodious language I love this.

2 1 Reply
Afzal Shauq

Afzal Shauq

Somewhere in the world of dreams
follow poet
Afzal Shauq
Somewhere in the world of dreams
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