A Proud Father Poem by Randy McClave

A Proud Father

My son doesn't smoke
Because, I don't smoke,
And because of that act, which became fact
My son won't have a stroke.
My son doesn't curse
Because, I don't curse,
And because of my search, he goes to church
His life is now better and not worse.
My son doesn't use pot
Because, I don't use pot,
And because of my shrugs, he doesn't use drugs
A drug habit he has never sought.
My son doesn't lie or cheat or steal
Because, I don't lie or cheat or steal,
And because of morals, he'll be presented great laurels
And happy and peaceful will be his will.
My son doesn't hold a grudge
Because, I don't hold a grudge,
He knows everyone's life, holds a different strife
And only can God truly judge.
My son is never a bother
Because, I see him not as a bother
He is my son, my only one
I am his proud father.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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