A Face In The Glass Poem by Randy McClave

A Face In The Glass

In the glass when I did look
I saw a liar and a crook,
And when at it again I stared
I became so very scared,
So, I ran to the next room to hide away
From the hate and ugliness I saw today,
Still remembering the person that was staring
He was so very frightening and terrifying,
And when in the glass I looked once again
He was still there looking in,
I saw grudges an judging in his eyes
And he wasn't even wearing a disguise,
On his face I saw his every life line
Which I read like a traffic sign,
I saw meanness, and lies and also hate
Which years added onto his fate,
Then when I took another studied glance
I then went into a frightened trance,
As I once again began to stare
On my knees I then fell to say a prayer,
Then unknowingly I released a saddened tear
Because, the glass I looked at was just a mirror,
Then I felt a sadness and a disgrace
What I saw was my character, and not a strangers face.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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