A Christmas Story Poem by Gert Strydom

A Christmas Story

(In answer to D. J. Opperman)

At the agriculture co-operation's shop the farmers did believe the angel
where on the high-veldt they were farming near to each other,
they did see the star and took gifts to each one's ability.

One did load his best stud bull on the back of his pickup truck
the other his prize winning sheep ewe and towed a trailer full of wool,
the other a pickup load of his maize harvest, fruit and some lettuce,

they did also take along coffee, rusks, biltong and crullers full of syrup,
holders filled with chops, steak and sausages and bags of flour for maize porridge,
then the three of them took to the back road.

Together they followed the star on a summer-night
where it took direction to the capital city of Pretoria
and at daylight they reached a shack, at a time a stable, in squatter-camp

where they did find an old rundown Datsun pickup truck and a worn out trailer,
where they rolled up their sleeves and made the Datsun and trailer useful for years,
after washing their hands each one of them did kneel down and smile at the child,

thanked God and prayed long prayers over the salvation that He does bring,
where the Child gazed at them open mouthed as if He did understand everything
and together they sang songs of praises from their own childhood days,

again did thank God, shook hands with the parents and embraced the small wife,
prayed to the Child, unloaded all the presents and quickly did make a cattle pen
as they were on holy ground and did swallow away the knobs in their throats

while a very old family dog was friendly watching them,
did go and lie outside to protect the bull and the ewe
and they did trust in God and did behold Him themselves.

[Reference:"Kersliedjie" (Christmas-song)by D. J. Opperman.]

© Gert Strydom

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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