A Christmas Gift. Poem by Geoff Warden

Geoff Warden

Geoff Warden

London Ontario Canada
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Geoff Warden
London Ontario Canada
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A Christmas Gift.

Rating: 4.6

In presence of the multitude,
I have shown barring no gift,
For what hath I worth thy child......

In glance of many gifts bestowen,
Frankensence, Muir, Silver, Gold,
For I posses nothing worth Lord......

In tater clothes I bow Mother Mary,
And confess the birth of virgin son,
Yet words fall short of glory be.....

As thy man Joseph smiles upon,
Watching o'er thy babe Jesus,
I surrender in humilitance unto my lack.....

In moment chance hold thy hand,
of the child that taketh my place,
For this tiny babe shall wash me clean.....

In this childs eyes my saving grace,
In his fathers hand thy mercy proclaims......

Frank James Ryan Jr...fjr 14 December 2006

Sir Goeff, Nice slice of th' absolute concept of the first Christmas..'And HE will be sought out by many...and led to HIS stead, from the paupers to the Kings from the Miller to the Inhereted..all as one, with no bias nor envy, as they have all come to share the same Gift...the blessing of the Child...King of Kings...' MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! FJR

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Dr John Celes 14 December 2006

Well-written Geoff, Jesus is himself the most precious gift for mankind on Christmas day! No other gift can surpass it. love, Dr John Celes

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Tranquil Ocean 14 December 2006

This is a great Christmas gift to everyone at PH from you! Wishing you and your family a merry X'mas! ! And another year full of prolific writing: -) Love...TO

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Patricia Gale 15 December 2006

Beautiful piece Geoff, the last lines awesome!

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Duncan Wyllie 15 December 2006

Dear Geoff This is so heart-felt and beautiful, I love the style and the message, Wonderful piece Love duncan X

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Francie Lynch 11 February 2014

Hi Geoff: I'm not a big fan of ellipses, though I have used them sparingly. For another take on Christmas day read Borne on a Notion.

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Bonnie Long 18 February 2007

Excellent poem Geoff I see what you mean about my poems reminding you of another we kinda have the same ideas :)

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Melvina Germain 02 January 2007

Excellent poem Geoff, a truly beautiful poetic gift. What better gift than the gift of Jesus Christ. Melvina

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This reads perfectly, and memorably. Gorgeous. t x

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Diane Violet 15 December 2006

This is beautiful Geoff, for no gift is greater than the gift we were given this day. Merry Christmas.............Diane

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Geoff Warden

Geoff Warden

London Ontario Canada
follow poet
Geoff Warden
London Ontario Canada
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