I am in the present perfect
Where I have always been,
Finally reaching
Something of my own
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It's a lovely depiction of the life as what you painted with pen & paper. A creative way to look at.......I am in the present perfect.............
nice write its very touching its very true... read it 3 times
nice work.........a good insightful poem thumbs up keep writing
I am in the present perfect. Which unlocks or fastens, the door of immortality.
This is an excellent poem. You are very creative and your words are deep with meaning.
nice work...especially I am unknown and alone, The real one is yet Already apart from here And is part of the world I am striving for... awesome
I really like it! Abstract enough to be very creative, but not so much so that I'm left saying... Huh? ? ? Awesomeness :)
i like the first line very much i smiled it is like a grammar lesson but it is more than that you are witty and playful with words coming up with poems worth the time
Great poem. I love the first line; 'I am in the present perfect'. Well done. Good write.
As i rise with the orange glow..... what a statement. You have done well. Keep it up.
Truth of ourselves is always inside its the face we present to the world which is not always the truth, like Romeo good always wins over bad...regards
Yes, has a human beings we go through different stages of ourselves. Not realizing it, people do not reflect on their past selves to see that it has made them who they are today. So when one sits do when one has to think 'is this it or is just a phase' so one just fills empty and unwhole. Insightful I hope this what you the message you are trying to send forth. In any case this is what I percieved.
You sure are deep. Love this part, 'am unknown and alone, The real one is yet' I enjoy it... I give you a 10.
understanding from the surroundings situations and nature that is really called experience i found in it sir thanks for sharing 10++
A very rhythmic poem. It just right. Bien!