When I was a young boy, learning about God, I knew that some day, He would give me an important mission. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew in my heart that I had a significant role to play.
I set out, at the age of seven to write a book comparing the theology and doctrines of different faiths. It turned out to be a bigger task than I had imagined. Perhaps my parents wanted me to be a little more grounded first, because when I asked them to buy me the canonical literature of every faith, I ended up with one little paperback with some conversion stories.
I prayed for His guidance, and although I never heard and audible voice, I received in my heart an affirmation that in His time, he would reveal my ministry.
Almost three decades have transpired since then. I have been exposed to many of life’s issues. I have made many friends of all faiths (and lack thereof) and cultures. Though I had moments of difficulty as I struggled with different philosophies, temptations, and competing influences, God has always stood beside me and affirmed me as His own.
About five years ago, after the dot com bust, I was “forced” to move from my home town of St. Louis, back to the NY metropolitan area, where I had been 10 years earlier at the beginning of my career. I ended up with a long train & subway commute from Fairfield County, CT to NYC. Soon thereafter it got longer as I accepted a job on Wall Street (4.5 to 5.5 hours p..
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