Philip Carter

Philip Carter Poems

The wave rolls in and grabs my feet
Then tries to pull me back
But I resist its best efforts
For power, it has a lack

The Horse Chestnut seeds litter the ground
No one plays conkers anymore
The pavement has lost its chalk squares
Where hopscotch was played before

The message I got was simple
Direct and to the point
If I turned up at the pub
My nose would out of joint

I cannot write a love poem
Only one of love that's lost
Is it because I have no love
And my heart must bear the cost

Why are you weeping so my dear
Those pretty eyes are not meant for tears
Bring back the smile upon your face
For I am now in a nicer place

I don't know where I'm going
I don't know where I've been
All the sights that pass my eyes
I'm sure that I have seen

I see adverts for the Smartphones
But are they really so?
Can they think for themselves?
Can they refuse you and say no?

'Mayday! Mayday! I need help'
The cry goes out to all
But is anybody out there
To respond to the desperate call

My eyelids are drooping low
Like the awning of a shop
The legs are feeling heavy
My body is fit to drop

Can I hold it steady enough?
So that I will not miss
If I can do it properly
Will I find a kind of bliss?

For forty years I've been travelling
Always away from home
Many years with my brother
Until we reached the rings

The blue lights were flashing
In the road outside
Their urgent glow reflected
Off the walls inside

Still travelling through space alone
No contact now with home
I do not know where I am
No one cares anymore

I have a pair of keys
Hanging from my ears
I hope they will not open
The door to many tears

There is no green man,
At this crossing I must traverse,
No helpful patrol to make sure,
My path is a safe one,

She says she no longer loves me
Though I'm still in love with her
How did things change so much
With whom can I confer?

I'm looking down on everyone
Why am I up so high?
I cannot go down lower
No matter how hard I try

The wheels don't go round anymore
The tyres have all gone down
The forks are all bent out of shape
And the bell won't make a sound

Where are they going?
Their flight seems so aimless
A gentle breeze alters their flight path
Up & down, back & forth

What I say is the truth
Ignore the way of others
They will never be your friends
Even though they'll call you brother

Philip Carter Biography

Hi, just a short note about myself. Most of the poems I write, come to me when I am in a pub. Usually after a pint or two of Guinness. It is rare to find a deep meaning in my poems, if you find one, I hope it helps. They are of a mixture of subjects and some may make you smile while others may make you feel sad. Hope you enjoy reading them. Thank you.)

The Best Poem Of Philip Carter

I Am Drowning

The wave rolls in and grabs my feet
Then tries to pull me back
But I resist its best efforts
For power, it has a lack
The wave recedes and I feel smug
That I'm still here on the shore
I've beaten the tide that has claimed lives
So many times before
But pride comes before a fall
As so many people say
I've had my pride and now my fall
Will come to me this day
Another wave comes crashing in
And knocks me to the ground
And pulls me back into the sea
And there is water all around
I fight the sea to keep my head
Up above the wave
I can't swim I hope some brave soul
Will try this wretch to save
I feel deaths icy fingers
Pulling me to my own hell
But I do not want to die today
I have stories I want to tell
Then all at once the sea draws back
And safety is in my reach
It's then I know I am a fool
I'm ten foot from the beach.

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