Michelle Dickson

Michelle Dickson Poems

This is what my thoughts are
I do not have a star

Lost in the moment,
Lost in the thought,
Everything forgets me, not.

I live in a world
full of anger and pain.
I live in a world
that has nothing to gain.

You were my best friend
You were with me ‘til the end
You were my best friend

The Cowgirl in Me
likes it rough.
The Cowgirl in Me
likes you tough.

Waiting, waiting, waiting
thats all I ever do
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Im waiting here for you

You’re some kind of beautiful stranger
You walk thru my world
Full of danger.

The Demon within me
Hard to resist.
The Demon within me
Its my last bliss.

Broken Up
Deep Inside
I cried out these eyes.
My heartache,

Suicide is what I want
Suicide is what I need
To live without these feelings
growing within me.

Why must you tease me
Why must you hate me
Isn’t this heart broken enough

'Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side

This isn't really a poem, more of a statement as to why we have dreams.

What is the point in having dreams if they are just shattered in the end? What is the point in believing something that will never happen or never come to be? What is the point of dreams?
I can tell you this point. The point is not whether they will be shattered, broken, or if they really will come to be or not, but whether or not you have the strength to get back up after all your dreams have been taken away. Your strength in your dreams can in the end help you with strength in yourself. Think about it. If you had no dreams, no goals to reach for in life, wouldn't your life be nothing but a dull existence? This may seem confusing to some of you, others may not get it at all, and others still will probably think that this makes no sense at all, but whether or not you find it believable the truth still remains the same. YOU NEED YOUR DREAMS! ! ! !

The darkness reigns thick
in the shadows of the night
hiding something dangerous
that brings about fright.

as i look out my bedroom window
i can see
the millions of lives falling to their knees
i know not why

Bet you didn’t see this coming
Bet you didn’t see this at all
Cause you were too blinded to see me fall

I look upon this gravestone
and let the tears roll down my face
for i will never see another smiling face.
Cause when i go home

You know, If someone
Saw this book of poems
They wouldn’t say anything
Other than, “why write this?

'Do you mind?
I'm trying to write a rhyme.'

'It's not working.'

'I know it's not working.'

I’m finding that when I think of you
My emotions become deeper.
I’m finding that when I think of you
My love for you grows greater.

Michelle Dickson Biography

Im 23 years old. I live in Stephenville, Texas. I used to live on a farm with my mom and dad where we raised horses, dogs, and cats. Some of the poems that I write about have actually happened to me but then again some have not actually happened to myself. The poems I write about are the things that I see around me or that I hear about or I wish to write about. They are also the things that I can't seem to get across to others, what I can't seem to ever say. Also, comments on my poems and myself would be much appreciated! Comments, comments, comments my poems cry for them everyday comments, comments, comments I'm trying to keep my anxiousness at bay :))

The Best Poem Of Michelle Dickson

Biglive, Smallsuicide, Biglaugh, Smallsuicide, Bigbiglove

This is what my thoughts are
I do not have a star
To put in all my hopes
To put in all my dreams
Where will I be without my star.

Before you came
These were my thoughts
But now I am lost.
I do not have these thoughts anymore.
That is whats running through my mind.

I must be insane
Running off cocaine.

These thoughts are brought to mind.
It must be some kind of sign.

To be here with you
And the love that you sew.
I quit the drugs
But brought on the pain.
But it is bearable
As long as I have you to gain.

Nope, dont need these thoughts no more.
Now I have something to live for.

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