Bri Edwards Lonely Poems

A Lonely Cloud.....[nature Observation; Humor]

I saw a lonely cloud one day.
It looked small beyond the Bay.
I tried to find a second and failed,
even though I looked each way.

February 2019 Showcase Of Poems From Here & There …[ Sharing Poem Hunter Poems With You! ; Topics Are: " Lonely "& "Butterfly" & Assorted Others ]

When I have had ‘bad words' with the one I dearly Love,
thoughts of loneliness may {at my injured mind} Shove,

A poem by Savita Tyagi, 'A Larger Identity' …….and here I go again.
I THINK I can write of what she writes; I'm not sure when.
What does Savita mean by a 'larger identity" in her verse?
(Sometimes a choice of poetic interpretations can be a curse!)

A poem by Savita Tyagi, 'A Larger Identity' …….and here I go again.
I THINK I can write of what she writes; I'm not sure when.
What does Savita mean by a 'larger identity" in her verse?
(Sometimes a choice of poetic interpretations can be a curse!)

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