Haley Akin

Haley Akin Poems

I'm afraid to break the wall
And live inside of me
I had forced myself outside
I don't know what I would see

My mind... it is tired
This body is too weak
I am spent with all the effort
Of the oppressors I can't beat

When little they flowed over freely
And were so hard then to stop
But now they stifle before starting
I can't even manage a drop

A word is burning
In my chest
I know not what it is

I wish that there
Had been that day
An angel at her side

It begins small like a burning ember,
what starts it you cannot remember.
The more you feed it the brighter it glows.
Feel it... as the fire grows.

I wish I had a friend
to tell me funny stories.
Someone to hang out with,
and not have any worries.


In all the time
You spent with me
I loved you more
Then anything

A poem is a ripple
From a wave called grief
Never perfect with its order
But almost constant with its beat

I write this on request
By a very special man
He wants a poem of meaning
So I'll give him what I can...

When tears no longer fall
The words then take their place
Flowing from a lake within
She hopes no others face


To dance with such emotion
It is beautiful to me
I wish I had such talent
That everyone could see

a steady in and out
a pounding in my veins

This feeling that is trapped in me
I cannot seem to catch
It's always there and mocking me
My emotions rose to match


I have drifted on a lake of sorrow,
unwilling to take that deep dive in.
I may float here just a little longer,
and put my feet just slightly in....


A sliver has been cut,
From my weak and broken heart.
Children lost by winds,
And families tossed into the dark.

Shut down.
That is what my mind is saying.
Block it out.
That is what my senses scream.

What a roar
That cools me down
Like an ocean waves rolling round

Don't put on me negativity
Then expect it not come back
My silver lining you’re wearing thin
And pressure on me you stack

One breath... is all it takes
To tell you oh so much
An exhale... to move your soul
And open your heart to touch

Haley Akin Biography

My name is Haley Akin. I am a mother of 2, Pryor my oldest went to heaven at the age of 15 months, and Chloe is his little sister. I write poetry because it allows me to express how I am feeling, and it helps me deal with my grief. My husband tells me my poems are good, but I'm sure he is a little biased. I hope you all enjoy my poems as much as I enjoy writing them. I have a facebook page called An Angel At Her Side Poetry that is dedicated to my son that you can like if you want. http: //www.facebook.com/pages/An-Angel-At-Her-Side-Poetry/174574102607999)

The Best Poem Of Haley Akin

The Wall

I'm afraid to break the wall
And live inside of me
I had forced myself outside
I don't know what I would see

I locked it all away
As the reality set in
Not sure if I could manage
If I did step in my skin

I release the tension when it's taunt
To keep it from a break
For the quantity I've suffered
I doubt one's mind could take

I seek out others hurting
Bleeding empathy for them
It is how I ease the pressure
Of all these feelings from within

The tension changes everyday
I watch it wax and wane
One day I hope this wall will fail
And with it take the pain

But for now I mend the cracks that show
And tend it as I can
This wall that keeps me safe outside...
It must be from his plan

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