Free Faller

Free Faller Poems

The razor is the one that cuts the wrists
Drawing blood with every slit
The razor is the one that makes anger let go
Your blood seeping through the new blood flow

When I look into your eyes
I see a rushing river
Your tears are a waterfall
So cold that when I look I shiver

Where the rain stops falling
Where the bugs stop crawling
Where the rivers stop flowing
Where the rumors stop growing

Life is all lies
Borrowed for cries
Tears are all shy
Like wings that won't fly

I still feel you when I fall asleep
When I think of you, these tears, they weep
I could still touch the softness of your colored fur
I could still see the way when I'd speak, you'd smirk

Listening to the storm
Seeing anger in your face
Stomping on the floor
As you start to make a disgrace

Far away places
A typical neverland
Paradise spaces
The ocean and warm sand

How far does the wind blow?
How long do the roads go?
How high is the sky?
How do all the birds fly?

You're not here
But I see you
You're not talking
But I hear you

When you run, you hide
When you're mad, you fight
When you're happy, you smile
When you're adventurous, you go miles

Falling through water
Swimming for breath
Being sucked down farther
As she drowns to her death

The two teenagers just stand quiet
They won't look not even try it

The girl starts to speak

There is a place
Where we will go
Where angels fly
Where clear water flows

When I walk away
I see a tear running down your face
I walk a little faster
Because your love comes on like shame

Follow the sound of my voice
I want you to finally see
Your life isn’t totally ruined
Nothing’s ever easy

The bird spreads its wings
For the first time taking flight

'I know it's like a boulder
Just sitting on your chest,
But it's all for a good reason,
It's only a small test.'

The one who teaches
The one who learns
The one who stops you
When you make a wrong turn

A conflict and war
You shut the door
They made a mistake
This is the pain they’ll take

I wake up and see your face
I smile and and you smile back
I walk around and watch reality
And when I sat you sat

Free Faller Biography

I started poetry at the age of 10 and continued until my birthday of that year. I literally stopped when I found that I have a gift that I figured was the only gift I would get recognition through; art. I would draw and draw non-stop. I would draw my pets and my family and everything else that I'd see. When I was about in the middle of the age 10, I had to move. It was a small move but in my heart it was huge. I had to move less than a mile away from where I was, yet I had to go to a new school and get new friends and do what seemed to be starting over. I lasted through the rest of fifth grade and went on to my middle-school years and just kept drawing. Then during the middle of that year, me and my family got stationed to Virginia. I was in shock. We moved about two months later leaving all of our memories and dreams for there behind. It was hard at first but after about 3 months I started to love it. That all kind of came to a hault when I got into a fight at school and got suspended. That made a huge depression wave take over me. It made me feel so alone. I know what your thinking, it was a fight, who cares, alot of people get into them every day. Well she was more 'well-known', someone fighting her would be known as 'a mistake'. The popularity I had gained since I had been at that school went down the drain. I lost alot of people I was close to because of the rumors that were going around. Well the rest of the year ended quickly and after the new school year started people forgot and forgave. Poetry really helped me learn, I read the poem 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou at the beginning of this year. I liked it so much I used it in a class project for my school. It motivates me, and alot of other people. So that's my story for now, not alot but soon I'll be older and have something interesting to say. Right now I'm just a kid that's trying to get people to see the true side of me.)

The Best Poem Of Free Faller

Your Blood Seeping Through The New Blood Flow

The razor is the one that cuts the wrists
Drawing blood with every slit
The razor is the one that makes anger let go
Your blood seeping through the new blood flow

The gun is the one that takes your pain
Leaving loved ones and some shame
The gun is the one that lets life go
Your blood seeping through the new blood flow

The pills are the ones that cause endings
Swallowing twenty without pretending
No life left leaking when you swallow
Your blood seeping through the new blood flow

Suicide is your way of giving up
Because you think your life's bankrupt
Suicide your way of letting go
Your blood seeping through the new blood flow

Free Faller Comments

Alec Stewart 29 April 2008

I found your poem War Is... exactly what I think about the subject. I am planning on sharing it in class on thursday. If you can, can you please send me your name because I need your name when I recite it. Thank you, Alec

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Rosie M 05 November 2007

free faller i dnt know if ur reading this but i found ur poems amazing, im only 12 myself nd i couldnt believe that someone so young could write something so beautiful. thanks. xox

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