Debolina Chakrabarti Poems

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The Poison Encounter

I saw that snake again! ! ! -
A chill ran down my spine at its sight
A distance fancy gathered in the darkest of my mind-
I could feel its cold poison- touch yet over me again! !

Soul- Mates

Thousand lost souls beckon me from their darkest graves, long forgotten-
Stretching their shadowy hands to me- they plead to hold them tighter,
Their spirits infuses in-
Making the pain afresh that I once felt when loosing them.

Life- In Midst Of Dreams And Realities

Thousands of ruins I stand on-
Yet my heart is full of content.

Thousands of expectations which I misconstrued as my ‘dreams’,

You, By Me

I had been walking this long tiring road for ages.
I met thousands of strangers with smiling faces.
But I waited patiently…
Waited patiently, - just to find them all mere look- alike.

Moments Of Non-Belief

At times you become a stranger to me!
Strange like a distant dream from a distant land …
As if I cannot have anything to do with you- ever! !


How blessed I was!
That I had occupied that extremely caring and loving heart, even for a moment.
Now the string seems broken-
Every other things are curse to me.

Begging, 'Love'

You have a heart of pity-
But pity is not what I ask for.
A heart that is blessed with love,
What worldliness should it care for?

Lone- Walker

Walking down the same lanes-
Alone all alone…
My hands are searching for that touch again- all but in vain.
I did not go looking for you, you just happened to me...


Mind in flutters, - moving through some disturbed times-
Peace in million pieces rest scattered around.
Pain, choking normal breathes, with its suffocating air rests in no place, at all,
Life's unsolved queries revolve around my confused entity! ! -

Worthy Journey

My emotions- strong, as they have been, but has all got frozen.
Like a mighty glacier in the Arctic cold waters, it stands still, with no direction or destiny.
Destination is not what I look for, -
When the journey itself is so fulfilling.

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