Cindy Wyatt

Cindy Wyatt Poems

Our God is so gracious, merciful and lovingly kind
In his Word He gives us sweet peace of mind
He remembers our frame and that we are dust
Though He is so perfect and holy and just

Sometimes hearts beat slow and then sometimes fast
People get so scared they end up at the ER at last
Doctors do EKGs and look at the monitor sheet
But no one knows but God when your heart will stop to beat

Jesus paid a debt I owed
I debt I could not pay
It was only by his merciful grace
that for me there was a way

Jesus carried his heavy cross to Calvary
It was all because of his great love for you and me
Cruel men did mock him and spit in his face
He endured it all because he was taking our place

God is love, Satan is hate

God is light, Satan is darkness

The most exciting part of a story is not
the beginning but the end
It's when our pilgrimage is over
that the best part is penned

Being Saved

Being saved is like being on a plane

To get to your destination
you have to go the right way
So open up your bible to John 3: 16
and hear what it has to say

The only way to be saved is
through faith in Christ's shed blood
The kind of faith that Noah had when
he built the ark before the flood

Having beautiful feet is being a witness and soul winner
to spread the good news of the gospel to every lost sinner

Having beautiful feet is going where sent

Where are my sins...
To the cross they are nailed
My precious savior's mercy
has never failed

Salvation is through faith in Christ,
it is the only way
Don't let men deceive you
by the things they say

You would never know real peace if
you never went through the storm
If every day was smooth sailing
it would just seem like the norm

I have seen the lightening flash,
I have heard the thunder roll
In the arms of Jesus,
safe and secure is my soul

God created the first man, Adam,
out of the dust of the ground
He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
but for Adam there was no helpmate found

There is a true story that the bible does tell
About a certain man who died and went to hell

In hell he lifted up his eyes in torment and pain

Only Jesus can satisfy your soul
He's the only one who can make you whole
He'll give you your heart's desires and longings
Just give him your life and all your belongings

A religion with no cross or blood
is a dead religion that is useless and vain
It makes people think they are good,
but to their sin they are still chained

Only the blood of Jesus
can wash our sins away
the only thing that can cleanse and purify
and bring a joyful day

Does the bible really say 'Ye must be born again'?
Just open up your bible and to the third chapter of John go
Can a person go to heaven without being born again?
The bible clearly answers that question with 'no'

Cindy Wyatt Biography

Jesus saved me when I was 24 years old when I realized I was a hopeless sinner and called upon his name to have mercy on me. He forgave my sin and gave me a new heart and also the gift of eternal life to live with him forever. For more information please visit my website called 'Poetry About Jesus And Salvation' at

The Best Poem Of Cindy Wyatt

God Is Merciful

Our God is so gracious, merciful and lovingly kind
In his Word He gives us sweet peace of mind
He remembers our frame and that we are dust
Though He is so perfect and holy and just

He removes our transgressions as far as the east is from the west
and with Christ's righteousness we then are dressed
When he looks at our heart He does not see sins we have done
But instead sees the blood of His only begotten son

Where would we be without God's merciful grace
Our lives would certainly be in a hopeless case
God says he will remember our sins no more
He forgets them all and for us has rich blessings in store

God's love and mercy will endure forever and ever
and from his great love nothing can sever

Psalm 118: 29 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever

Cindy Wyatt Comments

Belinda Kittrell 25 May 2022

I love your poem ' I Love Church' and I am requesting that my Sunday School Class be allowed to create a video with several of the stansas? We will cite you as the author and a link to the poem. Blessings

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Walterrean Salley 10 November 2016

Enjoyed this very focused poet, zeroing in on her point - daring to say what she means. Poems of truth that bring comfort and hope to a dying world. Thank you.

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