Zeeshan Shah

Zeeshan Shah Poems


Belle, who?
Who has epitome of beauty,
you can listen to her silver-tongue forever,
lyrics of Wordsworth bow for her,

Fields of barley stand proudly on the chest of earth,
kisses of sun admire their conceit,
and moonlight is like a mothers lullaby.
They are valiantly facing the hostility of climate,

(A father in Gaza)

The Best Poem Of Zeeshan Shah


Belle, who?
Who has epitome of beauty,
you can listen to her silver-tongue forever,
lyrics of Wordsworth bow for her,
work of Lord Byron implores her admiration,
her voice mesmerises Sarah,
her smile conceals Mona Lisa,
kings are ready to renounce their kingdoms,
queens want to give-up their vanities.
Bosoms of hers beat Ben Nevis,
her waist is thin narrow valley.
The world is lost in her love,
but, she loves me.

Z. A. Shah

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