Valerie Dohren Poems

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Ever Shall

Ever shall my heart adore you
`Cross the boundaries of time
Always will my love endureth
Over mountains yet to climb

A Maiden's Plea

O gentle as you please, my love,
I am yet still a maiden
And ‘though I yearn to know your will
My heart is heavy laden

Demon Skies

The pale moon floats through demon skies
Her aspect cold and eerie
Against the raging storm she vies -
Her heart thus ever weary

Each One.....

Each one gives, each one takes
Sometimes loves, then foresakes

Each one wins, each one fails

Fractured Earth

A bleak wind blows, and all in sorrow dwell,
the fractured earth sings out her requiem -
upon her form, unquenched, a raging hell,
around her head, a fading diadem.

My Lovely June

O come sweet June, my lovely June
The month when first the roses bloom -
A wondrous, colourful display
By sunlight kissed throughout the day,

Bright Flame

My love, my love, no scented flower
Could smell so sweet there in my bower -
No stars could yet adorn the night
Nor sun, nor moon, e`er shine so bright


Tender beats the heart that whispers
Through the darkness of the night
Ling`ring in the silent shadows
Utt`ring words to yet take flight

My Muse She Died Today

Her ashen face upon the pillow lay
As then the light upon her hair did play
With sadness borne, my Muse, she died today

Attar Of Roses (Sonnet)

I am the perfume full caught by the breeze
The fragrance that drifts through the air -
Attar of Roses soft borne on the wind
With Night-scented Stock lingering there

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