Vaida Marea

Vaida Marea Poems

I, too, sing America
The melody is quiet but still passes my lips
I am the elusive ingenue
The restless whisper of a wood nymph

I celebrate myself, and sing myself,
Young, and more shelled-tered than I care to believe.
Shape-shifting through life...A metamorphosis.

My heart of glass is so full of you
But it shatters and breaks from the things that you do
'Cause you sang me that song
And it broke me in two

You study me, like you're seeing me for the first time
So young and delicate, it would be so simple to hurt me
But my mind's so cynical, you forget the girl in me
You concentrate on my hostile eyes

All beautiful things meet their demise
Flowers in bloom surely will die
Frozen are the wings of the dead butterfly
Because all beautiful things meet their demise

You could never love me
Not even if you tried
‘Cause everything you based us on
Was made up of your lies


I feel like I'm walking on the edge
Of 'Yes' and 'I'm not ready yet.'
I don't want to jump
If you won't catch me

Little one, I have such hopes for you
For all the things that you will do
The things I hadn't gotten to
See and do before I grew


I’m not really interested
In what you’re telling me
Because I can forge my own path
And I don’t need you to hold my hand

You remind me of a city
Underneath the gritty surface is a heart so wild and alive
It gives me chills
And though I've cultivated my innocence for eighteen years

Your eyes hold the words
I yearn to hear spoken
There is fault to what we do not say
From what I've heard

One day the sky is gonna swallow us up
Take our souls and our sanity
Then it won't matter who messed up
Existence was merely a fantasy

My skin calls out for him.
My lips ache with the dull yearning for his.
For in a moment he will pick me up and pull me in close;
My legs will wrap around him.


I hope that one day I see you again
If only just to tell you
I don’t know what I expect
I’m not sure what I want

On days like this I think of you.
Freckles on your shoulders in a room that smelled of stale tobacco.
How I’d cuddle up next to you and watch some stupid movie.
And we’d just stay there in the most perfect moment.

Maybe you will love her.
After all, she made you want to be hers.
But why not me?
I gave you everything I had.

I never realized relationships were so hard
I probably wasn't ready for this
The amount of self reflection
The purging of my emotional baggage

She verses the words to him
Fragile and sweet
With her head on his chest
She can hear his heart beat

I try to purge myself
Of my impurities
I'm in a constant, living hell
Because I'm always fighting me

Vaida Marea Biography

'Vaida': Hindu-wisdom, knowledge 'Marea': Latin- tide, ocean 'There's Vaida, radiating with joy. And luckily she still can't stand the sight of a boy.')

The Best Poem Of Vaida Marea

I Too, Sing America (Inspired By Langston Hughes)

I, too, sing America
The melody is quiet but still passes my lips
I am the elusive ingenue
The restless whisper of a wood nymph
You can hardly tell I'm there
Waiting quietly in my shell
For the right moment to emerge.

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