Theresa Haffner

Theresa Haffner Poems

At first love makes you blind,
But in the end it teaches you to see.
What is the meaning of love?
It will not be what you expected.

Devil may care
What seals my fate.
What others would share
The Devil may take.

we came home on the dark side of town

we came home to a deserted rubble of half forgotten memories, children’s toys, fenced yards grown heavy with weeds, and a cold wind blowing

Allen Ginsberg called me long distance from New York..

It woke me from a sound sleep. Groggily I put
the receiver to my ear.


I know there is a oneness


The L.A. poetry scene is
all about distances.

In the garden,
I saw you.
You were more beautiful by far.
And I walked with you

In your eyes
you are yet
forgetful of
your true estate.

on our way to the city
we encountered the remains of other travelers
whose journeys once traversed our same terrain

Unto all things give the opposite.
Unto joy give sorrow. To happiness give regret.
Unto laughter give tears. In time of mourning,

Have you ever gone out hunting for mushrooms?
Or been on a mushroom hunt
when you were only a child
perhaps with your grandmother or grandfather

The first time the world was destroyed was by water.

The second time was by fire.

Out of the Darkness-Light!
The forms emerge and move.
The play of light and shadow
brings motion.

Book One

These are the words received in a dream
which I wrote in a book when I

We are all children
Lost on horizons
That compass our dreams


the afternoon tv
became the very real


the will to survive


and so i said take this program of
artificial intelligence insurgency

I dream that I meet my friend S____ S_____and Jonny the guitar player.

They both ask to buy product from me, so I say, 'Yes, I'll do it, but first I have to repunctuate (*) all the signs on Hollywood Boulevard.'

'I'd like to see that, ' says Jonny.

'I'd like to write it down, ' says S____S____.


- of course
my life has become

Theresa Haffner Biography

Theresa Haffner is a 30 year veteran of the Los Angeles poetry wars. She has been editor/publisher of two periodicals, THREADBARE Literary Journal and AFTERSHOCK Magazine, and was regional editor for THE NEW PRESS, a nationally distributed literary magazine from New York. She has published two collections of her poetry, ACHERON and Other Poems (1996) and DIFFERENT DRUM (2003) . Currently she is working on a novel titled RIVER. She also performs as a musician and singer/songwriter with a large body of original work to her credit. She is 62.)

The Best Poem Of Theresa Haffner

The Meaning Of Love

At first love makes you blind,
But in the end it teaches you to see.
What is the meaning of love?
It will not be what you expected.

At first love makes you a fool,
But in the end it will make you wise.
What is the meaning of love?
Love is a mystery.

At first love makes you crazy
But in the end it will make you sane.
What is the meaning of love?
Love is not what it appears to be.

At first love makes you a slave.
But in the end it will set you free.
What is the meaning of love?
Love is a contradiction.

At first love makes you confused
But in the end it will make you understand.
What is the meaning of love?
Love is a voyage of discovery.

At first love makes you forget who you are.
But in the end it will teach you who you can be.
What is the meaning of love?
The answer is not easy to see.

At first love will hurt your heart’
But in the end it will heal your soul.
What is the meaning of lone?
Love is a work in progress.

Theresa Haffner Comments

Glenn Michael Thompson 14 October 2019

Theresa.... I am trying to get in touch with you. Glenn Michael Thompson newfusionmusicgmail

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