Thabo Motuang

Thabo Motuang Poems

said I love u you smiled me and lured in with your charm, you said it to me I believed you after this long while
I gave up
I dared to care about some els as much as I did for you,
perhaps fate played me pair of cards and service me a bawl of spoiled joy it smells now

A strange place for a flower to gow
like peace in a war zone,
inspiration comes from the strangest places
this life is a race each at every pace,

The Best Poem Of Thabo Motuang

I Said I Love You

said I love u you smiled me and lured in with your charm, you said it to me I believed you after this long while
I gave up
I dared to care about some els as much as I did for you,
perhaps fate played me pair of cards and service me a bawl of spoiled joy it smells now
I sit with a broken heart asking myself what happened as it so happen I am looking at our pictures by the way
I deleted your numbers they were constant reminder that next time
I should tell cupit to mind his business who needed love anyway its a emotion that floods your mind and fills your heart with funny sensation, like a wounded lion no pride one thing remains strength to move on I said I love you yet you dared care just enough to leave me in despair I thought I could change you but instead you changed my point of view now my view of you is blurry now I kneel before my source and prepare myself to go into battle with myself cause my mind rages war with my emotions the reality hasn't sunken in that a knife lays on my back written betrayal with a crackle of laughter can't believe I loved you

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