Terence George Craddock (Spectral Images and Images Of Light) Poems

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Accumulation Accumulation Purchases

Multiple innocent outings
each time we walk out household doors
risks more accumulation accumulation purchases...

Moving Out Today?

the house is getting
more and more
roomy :)

the space is getting

House Getting More Roomy

The house is getting
more and more
roomy :)

Eye Candy Colourful Pleasing Objects

objects seen desired objects
eye candy colourful pleasing objects
are thumb hitchhiking seeking stray homes...

oh you soliciting hooker objects

Soul Sacrifice Reborn

what soul sacrifice can be reborn in phoenix flames?
what soul endure fall not in raging wave ocean agonies?
what soul can weather master enlightenment paths?

Weather Master Enlightenment Paths

To truly know is to endure raw experiences
to sensitize each momentous moments agonies
to time absorb learn through testing years

Hand Of Destiny Cloud Veiled

Art in the mind

in the eyes
in hands ears

I Prayed To Understand Life Event Crises

Over days weeks to understand life insecurities
crises crucial decisive event traumatic calamities
to understand personalize conflict tension crises

Would You Pray For An Injury?

Would you pray for an injury?
pray for an injury for empathy?
to increase wisdom sensitivity?

An Injury For Empathy?

Would you pray for an injury?
pray for an injury for empathy?
to increase wisdom sensitivity?

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