Taylor Dixon

Taylor Dixon Poems

Waves that match the sky
Throughout the air beach balls fly
Children laugh and play,
Golden sands to match the day.

Light like a feather on wind,
Colorful as one hundred magic markers,
Round like the mouths of laughing children.
Floating swiftly to the sun.

Raindrops fall from grey, fluffy clouds
Again, and again they fall in fat, wet drops to the ground.
I believe that some rain is the tears of angels crying, but not today
Nonstop the rain falls, it sings the song of spring

Smiles, Fun
Loving, Understanding, Laughing
Couldn’t live without you.

Sometimes all you need is a friend, to make the sun shine out of the clouds again

Maybe all you need in life is a friend; they always bring a basket of smiles wherever they go

Don’t follow in my footsteps,
Cause I may trip and fall.
Sometimes - over my own feet,
Or by objects that can’t be seen at all.

I need some inspiration,
A reason to carry on.
Perhaps my answer is in a constellation,
But maybe I am wrong.

Waves tickle the sands
Late night moon flowers blooming
Stars twinkle and shine
Melodies hum through the trees

Moonbeams shimmer across the grass
Grass dances playfully in the breeze
Breeze blows through the open window of my room
Room dark and quiet

The Best Poem Of Taylor Dixon

Beach (Tanka)

Waves that match the sky
Throughout the air beach balls fly
Children laugh and play,
Golden sands to match the day.
Summer should be forever

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