Silivester Kiik

Silivester Kiik Poems

On the smooth edge of you
redrew moon
then stab.

On all the prayers and vain
the lingering anxiety
taught the deciduous branches.

half a month passed
terminalia catappa leaves harden the lawn
worms rotting into it
like their love wasn't enough

In the late twilight
-the rain falls in drops
the streets are quiet with all the questions
some people still lead

Dried leaves roam freely
lying in the mosquito nets of aridity
starting to be disgusting and no longer morals
with ancestral messages stripped away by violent bars.

In my childhood home
my mum would bring me a jar of water
every time my tongue turned to the clouds.

: On a Silence and Tears
Your Holy Body hanging on a rough wooden cross,
is the symbol of my sins being washed away,
but until this event repeated itself,

Don't think; when the valley wind that wails on the ridge
drives the shivering leaflets from the trees
think that all is not over: the rainy season will come again
buds, leaves, and flowers you will see.

All day and night
I sincerely save words
that are slowly being lost to time.

in every corner of the dry and foreign city
wild and silent-watching every word
that men talk about

You're cruel
diligently slapping in silence
breaking promises
and force the stars to shine

Silivester Kiik Biography

Silivester Kiik, was born in Haeneno, Io Kufeu District, Malaka Regency,14 September 1987. The author is the youngest of six children of Mr Hendrikus Tesi and Mrs Elisabeth Bena. His works include poetry anthologies and educational books: "Amor (2020) ; DEBU dan Sebuah Pesan yang Belum Sempat Terbaca Oleh Rembulan (2020) ; Menabur Matahari (2020) ; INOVASI PEMBELAJARAN GEOGRAFI ZAMAN NOW (Suatu Penerapan dalam Model Pembelajaran Outdoor Study, Gaya Belajar, dan Kemampuan Berpikir Spasial Siswa) (2020) ; Gadis-Gadis Sutra yang Membawa Selendang Melarikan Diri Mencari Kesunyian (2022) " and several other books in the publishing process. Other poems in national and regional anthologies include: "Sepotong Hati yang Terluka (2018) ; Tetes Embun Masa Lalu (2018) ; Seutas Memori dalam Aksara (2018) ; Warna-Warni Aksara (Jilid II) (2018) ; Laki- Laki Perkasa yang Tak Pernah Menangis (2018) ; Diam yang Bersuara (2018) ; Prelude (2019) ; Romantisme Perahu Kertas (2019) ; Montase Kenangan (2019) ; Berapi (2019) , Pucuk- Pucuk Harapan (2019) ; Bercengkerama di Musim Rindu (2019) ; Topeng Jiwa (2019) ; Sepasang Tangan yang Terpasung (2019) ; Sajak-Sajak Penaku dan yang Bersemayam dalam Diri (2019) ; Segelintir Kesucian (2019) ; Selamat Datang Mas Nadiem: Gagasan Literasi Maju untuk Menteri Baru) (2019) ; Menyalibkan Cemburu (2020) ; HIDUP ITU PUISI dan Sajak- Sajak yang Terlempar di Tengah Kampung (2020) ; Rumah Sebuah Buku (2020) ; Seribu Suara Warna-Puisi Pendidikan dan Literasi Media Guru-Gurusiana (2020) ; Corona- Penyair Indonesia Mencatat Peristiwa Negeri-Lumbung Puisi Sastrawan Indonesia VIII (2020) ; Tadarus Puisi IV-Lumbung Puisi Sastrawan Indonesia (2020) ; Sampah-Puisi Penyair Indonesia (2020) ; Seruling Sunyi untuk Mama Bumi (2020) ; Gembok-Lumbung Puisi Sastrawan Indonesia IX-Penyair Indonesia (2021) ; Asu-Lumbung Puisi Sastrawan Indonesia 2021-Penyair Indonesia (2021) ; and others. Other works of opinion are also present through print and online media(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; gramedia writing;;;;;;; and others) . In 2020, the author participated in the Literacy Activist Internship activity at Kemdikbud. The author has also won several poetry anthology competitions and opinion competitions. In addition, the author, together with friends who are activists of the Belu Literacy Volunteers, founded a literacy community called 'Komunitas Pensil'. This community was formed with the aim of providing a new nuance in growing and developing the creativity and interest in reading of children in the border area of Belu District-NTT by providing reading materials. The author also established a writing community for young people, namely 'Komunitas Sahabat Pena Likurai' and 'Komunitas Sabana'. These communities have produced several poetry anthologies. Some active members have published their own anthologies. Hopefully, in the future, the young generation will be encouraged to flourish in their work. The author currently lives in the RI-RDTL Border City (Atambua-Timor-NTT) . The author can be contacted via: Email: Instagram: @silivester_kiik @pena_likurai Twitter: @kiik_silivester Linkedin: @silivester-kiik Facebook: @Silivester Kiik, @Penyair dan Penggiat Literasi Lokal; @Pena Likurai; @Komunitas Sahabat Pena Likurai.)

The Best Poem Of Silivester Kiik

Haiku | Lonely Conversation

On the smooth edge of you
redrew moon
then stab.

My soul was torn apart
should it complete
and fall again.

You're missing
is a fruit of wounds
a hurt
not bloody.

You're no longer a way
to be mapped


Atambua-NTT,10 June 2021

Silivester Kiik Comments

Silivester Kiik Quotes

'I admire every root that rises up to the clouds silent and still waiting for the rain to shower its blessings with a rainbow hanging in the east all dreamy with sadness on the face.' - Silivester Kiik (2024)

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