Shania K. Younce Poems

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Meyer had much.
He did not share.
He came upon an orphan boy.
He told the orphan boy to scram.


Abbatu is the word whispered.
Is the spirit that cries.
Is the feeling numbness and dry heartlessness.
Is the death that speaks so cold.


The night is dark.
Here comes a knock.
Here is the shock.
A noisy sound.


For I am Glam.
I am the best.
I will do all.
For I Lamb.


Little Pup Brown used the word abhorrer.
'Abhorrer, 'shouted Little Pup Brown.
Old Grandpa Cradle said, 'Little Pup Brown be still.'
'No way, 'exclaimed Little Pup Brown.


Below the ground darkness dwells.
Fire and brimstone crack your bones.
Fire rages unlike any other.
Water boils.


Once upon a time there lay a man and lady of porcelain.
Her slender hands that spread ice.
Her cold lips do curl with a curve.
His eyes do see beliefs nay there.

'Squids 1'

Squids eyes are wide that fill the mind,
that only knows the path of dark.
With fins that glide and guide through
the waters with gentle twirls.

'A Tasteless Day'

A tasteless day come to play.

In seen age.
In a barred cage.


The world has many sorrows.
In, which we do pay.
We live day to day.
Always thinking of diffenrent ways.

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