Sarun Stani Poems

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I Have A Dream

Long time from now, i know
People will honour me.
Their words, their laughs, they themselves
Are a bit sour now.

I Love You

Over the earth, black clouds roaring
Like beasts, but my ears listening
To the finest beat of my heart;
Those thunder bolts unfamiliar to me.

The Way I Became A Vegetarian

I was a flesh eater, a renowned one,
Till that night of my reformation.
Never ever i had flesh since.
Proudly and rightly, a vegetarian now.

To My Love

With my heart, i loved you
But thy refusing..
I pray, haven't hurt you.


I have drunk, two cups of frothing loneliness.
I had a past, have future, but no present.
Alone in my dungeon i sit, drven by loneliness
I miss everything but me..

To My Friend

From out my heart, these words come-
'You are my frend, my dearest'.
Our friendshp knows no fetters
And thou, the golden arrow of appolo.

War Of Her

Hey woman, arise from your ashes...
You have been nailed and hammered.
Your sprits and pride, he has
Burnt and thrown deep to the hell.

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