The Way I Became A Vegetarian Poem by Sarun Stani

The Way I Became A Vegetarian

I was a flesh eater, a renowned one,
Till that night of my reformation.
Never ever i had flesh since.
Proudly and rightly, a vegetarian now.

That night i saw a dream,
A life changing one.
I was tied upon a pillar.
The whole forest was there.
Pigs, buffallows, oxen, squirrels and more veggies.
And lions, tigers, jackals, my fellow flesh eaters.
Everyone on their dinner jackets.
A monkey, i can see, taking bids
On my flesh and bone.

In that judgement day of mine
Before the slaughter i was asked my last wish.
But reply of mine was a question 'why? '

'you swallowed me, that christmas night! '
The thundering sound of a buffallow.
'But i was teared and chewed! '
Interruption from an ox.

'But there is lion, there's tiger, and jackals
And they all do the same.'my voice raised.
I was slapped and answered.
'they walk showing the diamond between their thighs.
why don't you? '
'you have brain with you, but they don't.
you know the secrets of cultivation.
you know everything, but they don't.
you, the king of us, to protect us.
But you, son of adam, killed us,
Showed no mercy, beaten us till death.
Now its your turn..
Close your eyes and feel the pain! '
And i opened mine.
Thank god, a dream it was.,

They say dreams never do come true.
But they surely show truth, teach truth.
I therefore held tight to my dream
And i am flesh eater no more.

Jetty J Newnham 08 November 2012

Its great to read other vegetarians, and the reasons they stopped eating neat I've not eaten meat in 30years, not only do I feel better with my karma it reduces my interaction with capitalism, our planet is being destroyed through people's beef burger's, if american's ate less beef the grain released from that could feed the world! Good to read you can I count you as a friend? Jetty j

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 05 July 2009

Now u can become a proud member of PETA(PROMOTION OF ETHICAL TREATMENT TO ANIMALS) ................ a good write..............

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