Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Wrong Actions Are The Result.

An effect is the result of many causes;
A cause might be the reason of many effects.
Causes and effects are often misconnected
And the wrong actions are executed thereby.

Inhibitions Are Shed.

Fraudulence has been accepted as means
Following its use in much abundance.
The people atop are almost from this rout.
The mass has shed inhibition to praise them.

Lack Of Deterrents

Hurting has become a valour.
Mercy was not given a care.
Injustice comes from selfishness.
Sympathy got a burial.

For Mother Mary

Man puts up with his children as they are.
He moulds them for good, not disown them.
Must he divorce his wife, who bore his seeds?
We revere Mary who gave us Jesus.

For The Fault Of Others

Players have to own the umpires' mistakes.
Subjects have to own the rulers' mistakes.
They are at wrong ends to retaliate.
One has to pay for the faults of others.

We Are Made By What We Make

We shape things which will shape us.
We buy things which will buy our time.
We make things which will cost us.
We own things which will own us.

To Keep Your Tomb

You must leave someone
With some means for him
To protect your tomb
From falling from neglect.

Identity And Passion

He was not perturbed
When his son outplayed him.
She was not disturbed
When her lover outplayed her.

The Cyclic Movements

Ancestor worship gave way
For Jainism and Buddhism,
Which were replaced by Hinduism
To be replaced by Islam,

Interested In The Kith

I was not interested in her
But she was in me so I've to.
I was not interested in the kith
But they are in me so I've to.

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