You Mean Delusional Thick Brexiteers Sozzled On Their Cheap Beer And Lambrini, Daily Mail? Poem by Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore

You Mean Delusional Thick Brexiteers Sozzled On Their Cheap Beer And Lambrini, Daily Mail?

By Stanley Collymore

Massive numbers of street Party
entertainers for the coronation;
where exactly Daily Mail? Pure
fabrication, and fatuously grotesque
exaggeration as there was evidently
nothing of the sort, as described by
you Daily Mail with rather most of
the UK streets empty of people far
less, overtly carousing coronation
celebrating ones. Frankly just the
usual sad people, quite fatuously
allowing themselves to be rather
cynically and contemptously too
routinely hoodwinked, by stupid
disneyesque childish pomposity.

Well, you people might do well to
think seriously about unearned
and also, unwarranted wealth
along with evilly, inherited privilege
since, sure as Hell you undoubtedly
have none of this yourself. Actually
though Charles and his lot do have
them aplenty! And undoubtedly so
Charlie boy, with his untaxed £1.8
billion Pounds significant fortune.
Now get real - losers and morons!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
18 million people in the UK, it's allegedly claimed, watched the coronation farce from among a voting population of 49 million inhabitants. Work the maths out yourselves when you losers, aided and abetted by rags like the Daily Mail, state that the enterity of Britain was enthralled by this Disneyesque pantomime!

The official population of Britain is 67 million people; and there was likewise scant interest among the young people across Britain. And it wasn't just Liverpool football fans at Anfield Stadium who were totally fed up with the brain-dead sycophancy they saw emanating from the brownnosing intellectually challenged serfs; grovelling peasants of a mindset reminiscent of the Middle Ages but ludicrously displayed in the 21st Century. Morons paying unlimited homage to their unelected, hereditary feudal overlords - all Middle Ages stuff!

Already included in Author's Remarks.
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