You Bring Out The Oxymoron In Me Poem by Kendra Renee

You Bring Out The Oxymoron In Me

You bring out the 'I'm tired but I wanna talk to you all night in me'
The 'Shut Up, Leave me Alone, lay next to me and sing to me in me'
You Bring out the 'I don't wanna see your face, but don't stop looking at me in me'
The 'Don't touch me but hold me in your arms in me'
You Bring out the ' I don't wanna cry, but I'm crying in me'
The 'I'm in a room with all my friends, but I'm lonely in me'
You bring out the 'I Don't wanna go to school, but I can't wait to get there in me'
The ' I wanna go to a party, but I wanna lay up and watch movies in me'
You bring out the 'I'm ugly, but I'm beautiful in me'
The 'It's too hot to be touching, but I wanna wrap my arms around you in me'
You bring out the 'I listen to all music, but I've never heard that song before' in me
The 'I have to go or I'll be late, but i wanna stare at you in me'
You bring out the 'loud silence' in me
The 'I miss you but I've seen you everyday this week' in me
You Bring out the 'I don't like people seeing my feet, but let my foot rest on your knee' in me
The 'I have so much to say to you, but I'm speechless' in me
You bring out the 'I'm hungry, but here's some food for you' in me
The 'I don't have any money, but here's $2.00' in me
You bring out the 'I hate people touching my hair, but pull it one more time for me' in me
The ' I hate germs, but lemme hold your hand after you just picked your nose' in me
You bring out the 'stop I don't wanna do it, but I'm wet' in me
The 'No we don't have time for you to do that, but let me do it for you' in me
You bring out the 'I don't wanna grow up, but I can't wait to grow old with you in me'
The 'I don't wanna close my eyes and stop staring at you, but you're all I see when I close them'
You bring out the 'magic doesn't exist, but I get butterflies in my stomach when I look in your eyes' in me
The 'I don't remember my dreams when I wake up, but I remember you every morning' in me

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,teen,teenage,touch,true love,confusion,contrast,feeling,heart,love
Kelly Kurt 24 September 2015

A nicely written, original poem, Kendra thanks for sharing

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