When America Was Great Poem by Randy McClave

When America Was Great

When was America great
I would like to know that exact date,
I would just like to know just exactly when
Was it way back then.
Why not have us a debate.

Was it when America was first founded
And while slaves were still owned and bounded,
Or was it when Americas expansion went west
And the native Americans were laid to rest.
Or was it when our bugles sounded.

Was it when women had no rights
And when everyone believed God was with the whites,
Or was it during the Great Depression
Or was it happening during a recession.
Maybe it was before the racial fights.

Was it when we called immigrants murderers and thieves
Until we need them to pick our food and leaves,
Or was it when we screamed all immigrants should be gone
Even though our family's all were once one.
I wonder how the world perceives.

Was it when we hated the poor and the needy
And we patriotically worship the rich and the greedy,
Or was it when we had more faith in our boss
Than that of our savior who died for us on the cross.
Are we seen as seedy.

Was it during one of our many wars
Here in America and then on different shores,
While we fought and died for other peoples freedom
Only because we need them.
To supply our gas stations and our stores.

Was it before people were judged for their race
Before they were hated for saying their grace,
Maybe it was when they were known for their gender
Or maybe before they became a rights defender.
Maybe before they moved out of their place.

Was it when we attacked Washington
While stepping on the graves of those buried at Arlington,
While many believed the lies of a wannabe dictator
In our country he wanted to be its lying creator.
How can be breathe the same oxygen.

Was it when we first came upon this beautiful land
Was it when a great dream was once planned,
Then the dream became a nightmare
When only about our greed and our own hunger we did care.
Please tell me, when was America grand.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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