Watering Hole... Poem by Denis Martindale

Watering Hole...

The thirsty tiger wandered by... a truly weary soul...
To hold within a lonesome sigh... near the watering hole...
Then his blood warmed within his heart... excited by the sight...
Although his throat chilled at the start... he drank with pure delight...
His stomach met the water's flow... and tensed up straight away...
Yet tigers know this must be so... to live another day...
For soon the snow must melt and fade... just like it had before...
That's why each tiger's not dismayed... such truths they can't ignore...

When memories of Summers gone... remind them once again...
Of how the Sun above once shone... with heat beyond their ken...
When tigers strode like kings on Earth... with power and with might...
With confidence and true self-worth... not fearful, taking flight...
But facing dangers, come what may... determined every time...
No matter what Man has to say... such tigers look sublime...
Thus beauty speaks without a word... when joy inspires hope...
Reminding what was once preferred... grants tigers strength to cope...

When tigers come to realise... each season must be told...
Then Winter can't defeat the wise... nor crush with callous cold...
And so the tiger drank and smiled... as only tigers can...
Content with truths now reconciled... as through the snow he ran...
Revitalised with strength renewed... maintaining patience still...
As he went hunting for some food... upon that ice-capped hill...
And months slipped by till Spring returned... with flowers here and there...
Reminding him of all once yearned... with sights beyond compare...

Denis Martindale, copyright October 2019.

A poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting,
by artist Stephen Gayford. Google search
Denis Martindale and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.

Monday, October 21, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,beauty,hope,patience,spring,strength,summer,winter
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